Rust: The Most Loved Programming Language in 2022

Laurentiu Raducu
4 min readFeb 15, 2023


Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

What do condoms, cheetahs and Rust programming language have in common? They’re all fast and safe! If safety and speed are your main objecties, then look no further than Rust.

Rust is the most loved programming language of 2022, according to the latest Stack Overflow survey. And for good reason. Rust brings a unique set of features to the table that makes it stand out from other programming languages.

So, what makes Rust so special? Let’s take a closer look.

Safety First

Rust is designed to be as safe as possible. It prevents many common programming errors, such as null pointer dereferences and buffer overflows, by using a type system that ensures that memory is managed correctly. In other words, Rust is like a condom for your code. It keeps your code safe and prevents unwanted errors.

But Rust’s safety features don’t stop there. Rust’s ownership and borrowing system ensures that memory is managed correctly, which helps to prevent memory leaks and other memory-related errors. In other words, Rust is like a seatbelt for your code. It keeps your code safe and secure, no matter what.

Speed Demon

Rust is also incredibly fast. Rust code is compiled to machine code, which makes it extremely fast. Rust’s small runtime means that it has a low memory footprint and can be used in resource-constrained environments. In other words, Rust is like a cheetah for your code. It’s lightning-fast and can handle anything you throw at it.

Concurrency Queen

Rust also has excellent concurrency support. Rust’s lightweight threads, called “tasks,” can be used to write highly concurrent code without the risk of data races or deadlocks. Rust’s message-passing concurrency model makes it easy to write correct concurrent code, even for developers who are not experienced with concurrent programming. In other words, Rust is like a queen bee for your code. It can manage multiple tasks at once, without any conflicts.

Community Power

Finally, Rust has a thriving community. The Rust community is known for being welcoming and helpful. There are many resources available to help developers learn Rust, including online courses, tutorials, and books. The Rust community is also very active, with many open-source projects and libraries available for developers to use. In other words, Rust is like a family for your code. It has a supportive community that’s always ready to help.

Idiomatic Rust: Doing It the Rust Way

One of the things that makes Rust so special is its emphasis on writing code that is not just correct, but also elegant and readable. Rust has a very strong set of conventions for how code should be written, and following these conventions is essential for writing idiomatic Rust.

Idiomatic Rust is all about doing things the Rust way. This means using Rust’s unique features and constructs to write code that is both efficient and expressive. It also means writing code that is easy to read and understand, even for developers who are not familiar with your codebase.

Here are some of the key elements of idiomatic Rust:

  • Use the right data structures

Rust has a rich set of data structures, including arrays, vectors, and hash maps. Choosing the right data structure for the job is key to writing efficient and idiomatic Rust code.

For example, if you need to store a collection of items that will never change in size, an array might be the best choice. If you need a collection that can grow or shrink dynamically, a vector might be a better choice. And if you need to look up values quickly by key, a hash map might be the way to go.

  • Use Rust’s unique features

Rust has a number of unique features that set it apart from other programming languages. These features, such as ownership, borrowing, and lifetimes, are essential to writing idiomatic Rust.

For example, Rust’s ownership system ensures that memory is managed correctly, which helps prevent memory-related errors. Rust’s borrowing system ensures that code is both efficient and safe. And Rust’s lifetime system ensures that code is well-structured and easy to reason about.

  • Follow Rust’s naming conventions

Rust has a very specific set of naming conventions for variables, functions, and types. Following these conventions is essential for writing idiomatic Rust code that is easy to read and understand.

For example, Rust uses snake_case for variable and function names, and CamelCase for type names. Rust also has specific naming conventions for methods, traits, and modules.

  • Write Rust code that is easy to read and understand

Idiomatic Rust code is not just correct and efficient, it’s also easy to read and understand. This means writing code that is well-structured, with clear and concise variable names, and comments where appropriate.

For example, using meaningful variable names can make your code much easier to read and understand. Avoiding overly complex code and breaking your code into smaller, more manageable functions can also make your code easier to read.

Rust is the programming language that’s as safe as a condom and faster than a cheetah. It brings a unique set of features to the table that makes it stand out from other programming languages. Rust’s safety features, speed, concurrency support, and community make it an excellent choice for developers who want to write fast, reliable, and concurrent code. So, if you’re looking for a programming language that’s both safe and fast, Rust is the way to go. If you are looking to see code snippets for Rust, you can check out my blog article about Rust. There, I present code snippets with the best Rust features. I can also recommend this book, which helped me understand Rust and its capabilities.



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